Owning your Platform

28 July 2018

If everything goes according to plan, this post will coincide with the launch of my new website and blog (welcome!). I’ve built this site in an effort to have blog that’s truly mine, that I can control, and a nice little site to go along with it.

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Working from Starbucks

20 November 2017

If you ask anyone where I am at any time of the day, the answer tends to be Starbucks (or Bwé, if there are tables). I’m not there for the coffee (I don’t even like coffee); I’m there to work. It’s not a new concept to work at a coffee shop but people tend to ask why I go there so often if I don’t even like coffee, so I felt an explanation was due.

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Trying to Focus

15 August 2017

Three weeks ago, I disabled Safari on my iPhone, took off my Apple Watch, and turned off almost all of my notifications.

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15 January 2016

As I sat on a Hoboken-bound PATH train with my face in my phone, I looked up for a moment and watched as everyone on the train was buried in their phones, escaping boredom.

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Jump In

06 September 2014

For the past 4 years or so I’ve wanted to learn Objective-C so I could make those cool iPhone apps everyone’s talking about. I looked for resources, lined up tutorials, and consulted some friends who programmed for iOS, but I never seemed to learn. Something always got in the way and I never ended up learning anything.

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